Thursday, October 16, 2014

Ryder's 8th Birthday Trip with Daddy

For his 8th birthday, Ryder and Daddy flew back to Indiana to visit the Cardinal's, Grandma Hutton and to experience Purdue University on a Fall football game day.
Nothing like continuing family traditions, reestablishing & building on lifelong relationship, creating new memories and enjoying some quality Daddy & Son time.
Ryder and Daddy heading to the airport
On the plane departing Denver, CO
Arrival welcome in Indianapolis, IN from the Cardinal's
Ryder & Bryson were born days apart while we were neighbors in Memphis, TN. They have remained great friends and look forward to their time together. They have established a rich friendship that will last. 
Game day...the indomitable spirit of being a Boilermaker
Freshman roommates at Purdue University in the Fall of 2025?
Buchanan Club Suite at Ross-Ade Stadium for the Michigan State game
Special thanks to Brian & Danielle Cardinal and the John Purdue Club
Team Hutton & Team Cardinal enjoying the game day festivities
Ryder & Bryson sitting outside the media room while the players give interviews
Ryder & Bryson enjoying Cardinal Court...nothing like having the court all to yourself
Time to relax in the men's basketball locker room
"wow, did you see the size of their shoes?"
Given the opportunity, I believe Ryder would have verbally committed to Purdue. Let the brainwashing and recruiting commence.
Time to recreate all the highlights of the game
Spending time with Grandma Hutton
We don't know who enjoyed the trip more, Daddy or Ryder? Either way, they both had a blast and will have these memories and traditions for ever.

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